Bishnupur, Tilbari, Bankura - 722122, West Bengal, India
03244 256936 | 9434202242 | nbsmahavidyalaya@gmail.com | www.nbsmahavidyalaya.ac.inNikhil Banga Sikshan Mahavidyalaya is situated at Bishnupur (a proposed 'heritage town', famous for the art and architecture of mediaeval Bengal) in the district of Bankura and was established in the month of August, 1969. There was back-log of 60% untrained teachers in the district when the institution was started.The institution was housed in year 1973 in its own big and magnificent building with ample classroom facilities and laboratories. It has a big and rich library with more than 17 thousand books including current and valuable journals.
Nikhil Banga Sikshan Mahavidyalaya started its journey from 22.09.1969 which a unique example of 'Self help' materialized by the Bankura district unit of All Bengal Teachers' Association (A.B.T.A). The Institution earned its affiliation from The University and recognized by UGC by the UGC u/s 2(f) from its inception vide letter no. 13-2/71(CD) dated 31.03.1971 and also considered eligible to receive central assistance through UGC u/s 12(B). At the beginning the Institution was eligible to run only B. Ed. course (formerly B.T.)